Hair care is particularly relevant to the topic of the spring, as it manifests itself in the seasonal avitamino hair outward appearance. In order to look like the hair style hats after serving effectively, it needs to be carefully tended.

Try as much as possible to limit the layer 1, or Styler hair iron use. All this additional drying device dries the skin and hair of the hair structure.
2 at least temporarily opt out of the hair coloring. The most expensive and high-quality paint and even damage your hair, which are in need of care and feeding.
3 Use no chemical components made of balsams, but the plants naturalluri while sunbathing. Their hair will be given to healthy through the spring splendor.
4 Visit stylist. Even if you want long hair appe summer, the proper care of the hair on a regular basis is not possible without an invasion. He helps maintain the health of hair ends.
5 healthy hair on a regular basis for the adoption of a medical masks, which corresponds to the particular type of hair. Universal can be considered: egg white, 1 tablespoon brandy and mix with the same amount of honey. Hair is better to conduct a complex rehabilitation procedures, the composition of every two weeks for a change. In this case, the effect will be much more noticeable.
6 comb through hair properly, you have to use a rare toothed comb and hair daazinot not end until dry.
7 regular massage the scalp - this can help to improve blood circulation to the hair roots. The meal will be improved through the hair and it will become much healthier. To do this, you can use sea salt and massage, which additionally cleanses the hair skin.
8 tap water coming from the washing plant substitute while sunbathing or boil it in advance. Such sources are used is much less damage to your hair.

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