Bodybuilding ektomorpebis the crucial nutrition. Practice has shown that sports nutrition ektomorpebis without serious consequences can not be achieved. This is due to the rapid metabolism ektomorpebis, from a number of useful nutrients.

How to eat ektomorpebi

1. ektomorpebi should eat at least 5-6 times a day, more or less equal portions.

2. fats daily quotas to be 20%, preferably of plant origin. Very beneficial fish oil, which contains omega-3's.

3. protein per kilogram of weight should be 2 grams or more. The total number of calories to 25%. Protein source should be: eggs, meat, cheese, fish, legumes.

4. Carbohydrates should constitute 50-60% of calories. Carbohydrates should be the main supplier of cereals, vegetables, roughly milled flour products - the slow carbohydrates. Often use oats, buckwheat, corn, pasta, beans and other legumes.

5. Do not forget the fruit and greens, since they are the source of vitamins and micro elements. But even here to defend moderation because of the large amount of fiber result in gastrointestinal disorders.

6. Drink enough water - 3 liters a day.

Ektomorpis daily food ration for example:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 100 grams of meat (any low-fat), 200 grams. Milk, yogurt, cottage cheese or yogurt, 1-2 slices of bread.

The second breakfast: Hercules or Cream of wheat, 200 grams of milk, raisins.

Lunch: soup, 100 grams. Meat, 1-2 slices of bread or pasta.

Afternoon snack: 100 g. Cheese and 1 slice of bread or buckwheat, rice.

Dinner: 100-150 grams. Curd.

Between meals fruit separately. It is better in local seasonal fruit.

Use: buckwheat, psheni, barley, pasta, legumes (beans, peas and other). Fruits, vegetables, herbs, chirebi, nuts.

Meal just before and after the training.

Just before it is best to get the slow carbohydrates, the body's ability to work in order to provide glucose. Drinking water during exercise sip-qlupobit. After a workout 20-30 minutes ektomorpma should take carbohydrates and protein-rich foods. Allowed a moderate amount of fast carbohydrates. It's everything you need for the so-called post-exercise Protein-carbohydrate close the window.

Weight control.

Control your weight once a week. Ektomorpis week 500-700 grams gain is normal. If no weight increase (due to be gomeostazi, any function of the body's biopiziologiuri constant environment, climate change, counter autonomous defense mechanisms), ie To increase your calorie diet and use of sports nutrition. Sometimes gomeostazis physiological framework needed to overcome a 2-fold increase of calories, so do not be surprised that the 30% increase in calories is not a solution.

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