If you need to get rid of fat belly and waist, work flexibility and plasticity and lose weight, you belly dance. Judge for yourself: one hour lessons for this kind of dancing burns at least 400 calories. A few lessons a week can replace conventional aerobic exercises for weight loss.

Dance as a means of weight loss 

With the help of belly dancing can not only lose weight, but also to learn the body, which, of course, increase your self-confidence. Look at the figures for the oriental dance performers - their buttocks tightened and high chest and abdominal muscles are clearly visible.
The basic movements of belly dancing - Hips and shaking his circles. They perform a moderate pace burns fat, improves heart function and a positive effect on the bowel. During the training the abdominal muscles are tense, so that over time the stomach tightens and becomes flat.

For best results, combines oriental dance eastern diet: allowed to eat lean poultry and fish, as well as a perfect side dish of vegetables, steamed or braised. I want sweet? Eat a few staff, and a small piece of dried apricot sorbet.

Home, too, can perform the basic movements of belly dancing, but it is necessary to start the session with a warm-up, which should last at least 10 minutes. Sample workout: Stand up straight, shake hands and feet, turn your head from side to side, arch your torso.

Next, go to the "swing". Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and move the pelvis back and forth, straining the abdominal muscles. Each exercise is repeated 15-20 times, increasing the load.

Now do "big swing". Feet at least shoulder width apart. Now lift sharply to the right thigh, then left. Repeat 20 times on each side. Then do the rotation of the hips. Put your right foot on the toe and thigh lift. Try to keep your body weight on the left leg. Now rotate the right hip in a clockwise direction. Minute change legs.

Next exercise - "talents". Feet shoulder width apart. His Hips Swaying from side to side, as if you were a pendulum. 3 minutes, continued rotation of the pelvis. Imagine that you spin the hoop - the same movement. Repeat at least 15 times in each direction, the stationary housing.

Then kneel, hands behind his head crisscross. Keep the legs together. Now, stretch and slowly fall to the heels, squeeze your buttocks and hold this position for a moment. Return to starting position and repeat.

Finally, the implementation of the "kitty". Get on all fours and arch your back, strained abdominal muscle. Several approaches. All exercises are desirable in the mirror, to monitor the accuracy of their performance. Before the start of classes get expert advice in order to avoid possible contraindications.

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