High heels
Women who were exposed to low self-esteem of the heels have. Standing on heels to feel superior to others.

Rough shoes
He is always attractive in appearance, like a Flirt, a new encounter, they are delicate, but if you do not find it difficult at times angry.

Right footer
Always give lessons to others and very ambitious.

High platform
Rather unpredictable and at the same time cautious. Psychologists wear such shoes.

Low platform
Romantic, dislike conflict. They always succeed at work or school.

Slippers type of shoes
Often become depressed and this time many people are crying. Nature are soft and can forgive a lot of things.

Masculine shoes
They are constantly tired, for a lot of work to do in the evening and do not have the energy for housework.

Sport shoes
They are very fickle, like comfort, open and straightforward people.

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