Diet Plan
I looked well and be in good shape for exercise alone is not enough, because even to develop muscles, fat under the cover of at least appear to do anything. It is not about building muscle mass muscle, but solid body, nice thin muscles). Who at the time of muscle metabolism and burns more calories stsrapdeba body, which leads to the assumption, but it would be futile, if not mivashvelebt proper nutrition.

Loss diet is good, but how long we will stay here in the diet, how long we will be able to renounce everything and how long endure headaches, which are caused by the fact that it is always hungry diets? I do not believe that the cucumbers and cheese on a satisfied. One who says, I'll feel such a sense of euphoria attributed to the launch of the diet, while those with the cucumber and cheese already ebevreba, and did not eat, he will in most cases is either obese.
 Diet Plan
Slimming diet, and a welcome page for a meal, which janmtelia, hunger does not contain, tasty, contains portions of the day 3-5, including 3 main meals and 2 snack, contains proteins, the carbohydrates and fats as well.

I would like to formulate my comrade example of what I know and I like the food under his regime and to change what I'm going to.

Comrade History Healthy Figures

Nino my employees. I met last year and the beginning of a good impression on me. Besides being smart, and his mind, as well as a sense of humor, a miracle, a very attractive and confident. When I came back in the Master's Students gakhlat and in accordance with the work and lectures between end up rushing, and was at one point I noticed that break the usual outdoor bought sandwiches instead of, for example, buckwheat, meat, tomatoes, cheese, or home-made dishes had and tasty to eat out. After some time he started training three times a week. It happened that my practice drew to a close, plans for the summer, I had arranged and only 3 months later, I returned to Washington. O miracle, when I saw Nino, almost did not recognize, and the tone of the thin arrived, it was unbelievable that such a result is directly reached only 3 months. The thing that was already in good shape, but healthy foods and exercise regularly is indispensable for the beauty and healthy look. A year later, I returned to work in the same organization, Nino further refined, beautiful arms of a thin muscles, narrow hips, legs and bred - every woman's dream.

So what is all this success? Here's some of what he had a conversation with my observation and verified:

Eat everything and prepares delicious meals. The portion of the bar as fried chicken, beef, fish, cheese, rice, buckwheat, pasta, Ghomi, ice cream, tviksi, etc. But it's all about moderation. Prefers salads, meat and buckwheat.
Lunch and dinner never leaves. The only thing I did not appreciate is that it is rarely breakfasts. However, this depends on the person, some people are not able to take food in the morning. But generally recognized that breakfast is the most important part of the food, thereby launching our metabolism.
Any kind of sweets eat only during the day. Does not show any willingness to 10 nights at the chocolate tsaisusnaos. (I'm sure it's just that I picked up bad habits from the outputs).
His bread ration rarely falls, it is also special cases.
Have their bottles and even though the water has been continuously asking, the bottle is still full.
Exercise at least 3 times a week. It's part of life and can not imagine a different way skinny. Mostly 1 hour on a bicycle or find it eliptikal fitness center. Sometimes they even run out.
By the way, is a very good post on what the results of such cardio exercises. If you wish to read his thin legs and not dagezarot article problematic zones. Weight Loss and Diet Plan tips

To sum up everything and take into account the recommendations coming out of the fitness experts, the proper nutrition for 2-3 weeks after becoming metabolism acceleration. Ideal food for 5-6 days every 3-4 hours and must include, protein, fat and carbohydrate combination. Preferably carbohydrates to eat bread, rice, buckwheat and many vegetables. Chicken and turkey meat proteins in accordance with the need to accept it, is also a good option for low-fat beef, eggs and do not forget the fish.

One of the daily ration for an example, those who want to lose weight:

Breakfast: 2 egg white omelet and 1 heart, 1 cup of fruit, may be less sweet gerkulesi.

Lunch: 120 grams of chicken meat and stewed vegetables

Lunch: 120 grams of chicken meat and 1-2 boiled potatoes with olive oil.

Snack: mg. Before training. Smooth sour made of light, I was 20 g. Protein pud what exaggerating.

Dinner: 1 fillet of fish with vegetables / salad and ¼ cup of cooked rice with.

Between water and fruit snack. If the hunger to do useful and large pieces sheashvelet and 10-15.
Food and night if I wanted bread vatan themselves would not tell even Nutella and butter bread. I am training and I never add, but not matsqenda loss and problematic areas of work. I decided to approach this issue in accordance with nutrition and exercise. From now on, any impulsive and pointless exercise grab a snack and did not come! As for me personally varjishs- mixed Schedule a fascinating thing for me - jogging, muscle training, intervals, Zumba and ash.


I am not a dietician, and the information provided above is absolutely subjective, which is based on personal observations and skhvadaskhba sources (fitness magazines, trainers, etc.) just wanted to share with you my opinion. Always better to ask your doctor and dietilogs tips.

What do you think the right to food?

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