Tips Healthy Figures
to your baby, your voice soothes him. When your infant sounds, the sounds,
repeating the same answer, but add the words. It will help him to start
speaking. READ child, it will help him to understand the words and speech
development. Sing. Play music, this music will help him in math and love.
Commend your attention to the infant and express love.
time with a child, embraced and hired hands, it will help him to feel safe and
best time for a child to play for a period of quiet and sober. Watch carefully
to the child, do not miss, when a tired and restless, that you want to relax.
role of a parent is difficult and tiring. Take care of themselves, both
physically and mentally and emotionally. It's easier to take care of the child,
when you feel well.
to help develop speech
of a child at birth often need to talk, to tell tales and stories, listened to
music, read a book; It is recommended to use the illustrated books.
conversation should be slow, quiet, rich and joyful intonations.
should pay attention to such signs of danger, which can cause a variety of
diseases - the child is not going back to the direction of the noise, often
harboring / rubbing the ear. In such cases, the need for a doctor's visit.
for promoting motor development Healthy Figures
development of the child's ability, a different group of muscles to perform a
certain movement. Individual activity not only contributes to the development
of skills, but also operates several formation.
child should be given a variety of physical activity and the open space in
motor development for parents to give a child climbing, crawl, adzromis,
therein. Fine motor development - a drawing, Orbeti (paste), cubes of the game.
to the age of the subject and offer a variety of gaming in order to facilitate
his movements were encouraging.
is particularly important that a parent with a child to perform different
activities. A parent at this time to talk with him, to explain what they are
doing, which in turn helps the child to learn a variety of subjects and the
action title. Motor development and self-service is very important to establish
the habit of such activities that require mtevnebisa hand and fingers, hands
and feet to a positive action, as well as hand-eye coordination. Among the most
important: dressing, bathing, cooking, eating, painting, sculpture, writing, a
different game, crawl, climbing, running, jumping.
for sensory skill development
child's sense organs are still developing during pregnancy starts, it starts
the very first minutes of the universe where perception, sees, hears, feels
smell, taste, touch.
parent of a child born to start the sense organs and sensorymotor skills
development and age of different activities to offer it consistently.
should know that better than 20-25 cm at seeing the newborn. Head to encourage
a child's visual development environment favorable conditions - chamoukidos
different colors and shapes of toys, picture books and guided the environment
and so forth. He should have the information that is necessary for a child's
eyesight and hearing periodic evaluation by a specialist.
touch with the outside world on one of the main sources of information in
making. Parents often have to touch the child, fondle, hire hands. Can not
shake the child roughly, what can lead to a variety of injuries.
special interest towards the human voice. That's why parents often have to
talk, read a child.
on social and emotional development
field determines the child's personality development and human relations. It
includes a child's ability to be able to understand and express their feelings,
to understand the feelings of others (empathy) and the appropriate responses.
should be aware that a child is born with a need to establish a proper
relationship and the need to promote the development of social skills training
and regulation of emotions. Depending on the child's emotional world is the
relationship between family members. If family members express warmth and love
towards each other, the child is happy and vice versa, if the tension in the
family, the child often has various problems, and angry parents watching the
fight, he was unhappy, and karchaketilia reserved.
is important for the child to a quiet, peaceful environment, which helps to
regulate their emotions.
child must be given the opportunity to explore the environment. Apply to a
variety of items, domestic animals. If a parent is afraid of insects, this time
he should refrain from expressing their emotions.
is necessary to leave the child alone, in order to enable ourselves to the game
and get used to being alone. It promotes independence and confidence in the
country. Ourselves after the game, the child and commend Reward.
head itself should contribute to the child's social interaction with other
children, praised and awarded, when a child gets involved with others in the
game, expresses its sympathy to other children, understand their emotions.
If a
child is aggressive towards other children, utqams, shouts, it is necessary to
reprimand her pronunciation. If the child is very angry with his friends and
does not stop, head to remove them. Later, a different way to teach, how to
come out unwanted situation. M eg. Request the assistance of the head, or to
stop the game if he does not like. If any of the toy cause troubles, the head
of the children temporarily to take from it, when shortly after the return, the
children are ready to change their attitude towards him.
head can not be beat, uchkmitos, pulled hair, etc., in order to teach him how
bad his behavior and what you are feeling at this time of the children, the
little hits. It is better when the baby datsqnarebulia, ,, You ask him whether
he was struck, how did you feel at this time, Hurt? ',' How do you think your
friend ,, he feel so that you hit? ''
the baby is a coward and a mother's embrace ,, '' does not go beyond, it is
necessary to work with him, so that he will get used to separation from the
mother. The child should likely indicate that he will be fine, even when their
parents separated. ,, You have a very good day, very well be Uche. '' The chief
is always the child should be told when to come back with him and for him to
connect this phenomenon is easily understood: ,, I'll be back after breakfast
" the development of the child.
ties are important for parents to set a good example to show the child to
communicate with each other as well as other family members and their friends
in the relationship.
play is not only fun, play with her mental, motor development and the need to
better define the conditions of the knowledge of the universe. Parents should
be aware of the principles of the child to enjoy the game to promote.
should provide children's toys.
child does not matter the value of the toy, it is the unity of the self-made
child in a safe environment to play in. Preferably older children to get
involved with the game in the process, but not to fulfill a leadership role.
babies and children express their needs just crying, crying so often, and this
problem is especially concerned about mshobelbs.
must knew about it, the child's cry for different reasons and with different
character. Observed a parent can easily cause of the baby's crying.
months prior to the child's crying, the head must have an instant reaction.
need to identify the cause of the baby's crying and meet its requirements for
(if a - eat, if chasvelebulia - changed, if the head of the partnership - to
hire, fondle and reassure).
often have to fondle, even when the child is not crying, crying child to
communicate only with the head of its becoming.
should be aware that some of the baby's crying at the age of 1-3 for a common
cause of colic ,, "- a long cry at the same time in which abdominal pain
needed to be habit-forming at an early age to take care of.
the age of 8-9 for the resignation of a mechanical nature. The child does not
feel the fullness of the bladder and can not bring them to the head, when a
and urination control Capacity 18-24 months to start with, and if the child is
ready for dismissal:
patch for 2-3 hours to dry
not like to see the dirt while the period
the requirements of a simple example. Come ,, '' ,, 'Take' ', give me ,,' '
period is important to train the child to use pot.
eating and then wake up and ask the child to the pot, as well as sleep ago. Not
recommended for children Long pot stop.
note that every child is unique, some easy-to-use study of pot, some hard.
"failure" is allowed up to 5 years, especially if the child drank a
lot, or very fun game.
a safe environment
shall remember that the child is in need of a safe environment for the
development. Baby bathing, sleep, play and head to follow safety rules when
driving in order to promote the child's safety and protect it from damage.
consider that the child is older, more attention is needed. Injuries and other
safety rules to avoid damaging the best way.
bed to be safe.
to one year may not use a pillow.
time should be measured in the water temperature.
not leave a child alone in the bathroom.
electrical machinery, sharp and small items, chemical products for the child to
be out of reach.
not leave the child alone with domestic animals and younger brothers and
a baby should be checked before the food temperature.
traveling by car you need a special chair to use, you can not leave children
unattended in the car.
recommended for children in the sun for a long time to stop, crawl and leave