Food is often the rule and regulate the regime chamonatvalta fall in the list, we have planned - but, as a rule, do not perform. This issue is particularly relevant for those who pass through the house in the morning and evening are included. Food that is necessary to know, but the habit of feeding behavior takes willpower. It is difficult to give up tasty "jank Food" and a low-fat, salt-free, sugar-free food to choose.

Tasty snacks "ugemurit" replacement - for weight loss - are only a few days or weeks to come. After receiving the desired result is again returning to previous lifestyle. Doctors argue that temporary diets seriously damaging, but lost pounds double returns. After asking for more food and diet organism adapts, as a kind of defense mechanism of the organism similar dangers.

The daily ration of food choice, the mind stands in front of instincts: we eat what we want and not necessary for the organism. This health impact. The World Health Organization estimates that 15% of human health care setting, 15% genetics and 70% depending on the lifestyle and nutrition. Maintaining health and weight problem, it is necessary to regulate food. Healthy lifestyle significantly reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Healthy attitudes and behavior in society kvebisadmi study the company conducted a survey ACT. According to the study, Georgia, breakfast optional behavior is perceived, it is mainly from coffee and cigarettes replaced. The schedule depends on the feeding mode. Café or restaurant to eat alone acceptable behavior will not be considered. Respondents for snacks to take out the food they choose. Dinner mostly pastries choose what limited financial resources, justify.

Students do not have complete information regarding healthy nutrition. For the most part, healthy food diet, food ugemur, injunctions and sanitary norms identify the food. Parents are the most dangerous for the health of genetically modified products, they do not have enough information and follow a healthy lifestyle.

By the way, endocrinologists did not agree with the idea that beauty requires sacrifice. Useful food hunger settlement rules - the diet is, the things throughout their lives will be able to. Proper functioning of the body needs: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements, mineral substances. However, the amount spent by the body's efforts to comply.

If you decide to healthy nutrition, food, try to protect the regime. At the same time every day to eat, digestion system in an orderly functioning of the whole system. The doctors think it's better to eat four times a day, 3-4 hours apart. Preferably, a daily allowance equal to 25%, dinner - 35%, snack - 15%, dinner - 25%.

There are specific recommendations, which should start eating less and accomplish what amounts to get food each time, which is a combination of useful products for the body and what - is harmful.

Breakfast is recommended to start a food processing which takes place relatively soon and the energy was produced. For example, fruit; Natural fruit or vegetable juice; Grain porridge, which is low-fat or water (0.5%) of milk to prepare. Lunch should be relatively fertile. Vegetable soup, light salads, cooked meat or a piece of fish and a piece of bread. You can have a snack or cooked rice, buckwheat, vegetables, boiled potatoes, fish or meat. Sleep up to 4-5 hours before, preferably, have a light lunch with half a glass of kefir, yogurt, low-fat milk or fruit.

In addition, selecting the portion necessary to age, physical condition, and energy spent during the season as well. By default, during the day you need a piece of bread, a dessert plate of porridge, potatoes and soup making. Bread, cereal, pasta, rice, potatoes - food pyramid base; Energy, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, B group vitamins.

No less important is the day of fruit and vegetables a couple of times to receive at least 400 grams a day. Fruits and vegetables from the organism takes minerals, fiber, vitamins, which hinders the development of chronic diseases.

Meat, fish, and walnuts in a large number of proteins and minerals parkosnebsa. There are a lot of protein and calcium in dairy products. However, it is recommended that dairy products naklebtskhimiani, salt and sugar without a drink. Cooks to use only a small amount of vegetable oil, vitamins E and A in it. It is best to avoid fried, baked goods, candies. Perhaps one day a piece of dark chocolate intake. Fats and proteins than carbohydrates during physical activity, mental performance, while desirable, compared to reduce their intake.

The right combination of foods helps regulate metabolism. There are rules, of which food products can be obtained with and what - not. For example, drink tea with honey illness folk medicine recommends. However, it is known that hot water for diluting the honey loses vitamins and healing properties. Nor boiled rice and milk combination desired. Avoid intake of tea when you eat iron-rich foods (vegetables, legumes), since the tea prevents the absorption of iron. Some diet also recommends that the proteins (beans, nuts, meat, fish) and carbohydrates (bread, rice, cereals, carrots) do not mix. It would be better if we get proteins with vegetables. Allowed a combination of vegetables and carbohydrates. As for fruits, it's definitely a must-have.

Health and body forms a graceful, healthy meals that are necessary, even though everyone agrees physician and endocrinologist. However, there are instances when a healthy organism kvebisadmi special attention off into destruction. This disease is a form of mental disorder. Ortoreksiit patients are healthy lifestyles obsessive thinking has, over the control of the feed composition and preparation of the procedure. Over time, the body with essential vitamins and minerals will decrease. In this case, psychological and medical intervention is required.

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