Summer is a serious test for the skin, as everybody knows, but he was no less than the fall in need of maintenance. Especially if Resist the temptation to fail, tanned skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays Bronze Charm doctors forget about all the warnings and enjoying the sun, believing heart. So, is the time to read our advice and tan skin care so that tanned body Long liked to.
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Lucent's clearing begins. Tanned skin and flaking often cornified surface removal requests. Women, fearing that cracked skin Naruja not follow, Scrub use it in public. This is a mistake. Naruja skin much deeper fall than
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Cornified and dead upper layer. So, the sooner freed flaking of dead cells, the better, but you must remember that in the beginning of autumn and are particularly sensitive to dry skin, so intense and deep cleansing peeling agents temporarily to avoid. The more so that the solar activity is still high in September - as a result of ill-treatment may face much the age spots. We recommend you give preference to surface peeling. For example, you can use the kind of sanding "Ahava" piling mud or "dolivas" Face Wash, for the body - "dolivas" shower-Peel.

Long tan to maintain hydration should not be lazy. Specialists recommend E, F, B 5, C vitamin-rich spices and a moisturizing creams that are specifically designed for tanned skin. Moisture Cream (for example, "dolivas"  should be applied on the face in the morning. If skin cream instantly absorbed, blend the moisture level in the second, thinner layer, the residual cleaning Remove.
Equally important is hydration of the body, especially - décolleté and other sensitive areas of the body. Qoveldghea body moisture needed. Apply after showering will tanned skin moisturizer for the body (for example, the more - if you are going to leave their homes on that day.
Long tanned skin that approves chapter, cleaning and moisture in addition to several other factors that need attention:

* S to as much liquid. The advantage of the fresh fruit and vegetable juices Assign.
* Try to eat as often products that contain large amounts of vitamin A.
* Avoid skin bleaching in masks and cosmetics, which are citric acid, whey and contains cucumber.
* Avoid hot bath and sauna. Hot water expands the pores of the skin, it is not very favorable for the tan.
* Avoid solarium. Some people think that if the sun-drenched artificial skin from ultraviolet rays miashvela, 
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Naruja would be more effective and longer run. In fact, the case is different - possibly artificial daskhivebam sun rays already irritated skin even more damage and age spots inspire. So, in the solarium at least one month to go until the skin is laid him.
If the summer sun on the skin pigment spots gagichinat, 
Suntanned skin and pamper it amitve respond.

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