If you, like many of the people who fall into that category, dreams of losing weight, but prevents an increased appetite, we offer a few suggestions that may help you "moatvinierot" or even a fool of your relentless appetite.

Meal drink compote
The standard recommendation is that if you had half an hour before meals to drink it reduces feelings of hunger, not always. Not surprisingly, because the water does not have calories. Some of the food intake of 2-3 cups of water a few minutes before you drink, and then cleans up all over the tiny table. If you belong to a group of people who will never naqrdeba water, start dinner vegetable juice (tomato, pumpkin, carrots), the dinner - cooked fruit without sugar (do not eat the fruit, juice Serve only). Fruit and vegetable juice is more nutritious than the water, and at least partially dagikmaqopilebt hunger. In addition to its nutritive value is high, and therefore do not have to worry about shenarchunebaze figure. Before breakfast, the water is really safe limit is better, because it helps the body to sober up. Water is necessary food intake as well, allowed coffee, unsweetened green or black tea drink.

Pressing and tatters
The second would never in your appetite, if only for a day 2 - 3 times to eat. During the evening hours of eating foods surely extra ends. Necessary for a day at least 5 - 6 times at least to eat in order to overcome hunger. In addition, dieticians claim, crushed food activates the metabolism, which often violated the "eat lovers". However, it should reduce the portions, get about 150 - 200 grams of food, otherwise the inevitable weight gain.

Serve with a small spoon
Enjoy lunch in small dishes, because in this case you psychologically act - Meat small piece of the big tebsh smaller show than it really was, and no matter how many salatitaa decorated, but if the same ingredients in a small pan and a place, then you will want a large portion of the impression. It would be great to small kovzsa to replace, usually the fork - dessert fork changing.

Small piece, sipping you always protect you from excessive food intake. European dietician one interesting experiment - the experiment, the volunteers participating in the soup to eat one day a spoon offered, then today - to small. As a result, it was found that in the first case, people have to be able to objectively assess the points and served to greater things to eat. In the second case - much less eaten, because naqrdebodnen quickly.

Six hours after supper
Forget that six, after dinner can not be. You can and should! But no buns and sweets, but also protein-containing products - eggs, chicken or beef (stewed or steamed trained). Protein-rich products here I am killing hunger and protect you from extra pounds. The ideal time for the evening meal - 3-4 hours before bedtime. So, if you do not sleep until late, at an hour that you may eat up to eight in the evening. The optimal time for the breakfast, from 7 - 9 pm, because at this time of particularly intense in the gastric juice. In case, if you systematically rejecting only one cup of coffee for breakfast and effort, it is more likely the disease is gastritis.

Ask point
Appetite "tame" the point massage to help you. However, first of all, why did they stop determined to lose weight - it is hormonal disorders, age, stress or sleeping enough blame, if there are other reasons as well. Although all the different areas of action of point massage. However, arsebibs universal point - the so-called "Guan-Yuan", which is embarrassing, placed below the navel. Massage it better in vertical position, in any other situation that could not have reached the stomach, especially if it's a tad naketsebitaa covered. Click on the point of his finger and slowly daisriset. Half-hour procedure is recommended only for 20 days. In case, you do know that excess weight by taking extra food dial (and can not continue the same pace of interfering in their appetite) maszhebi undergo thigh - press for 30 seconds and then take out. Repeat 20 times, then, the same procedure for the second leg match.

Healthy Figures

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