Contemporary families soup doing time housewife sometimes do not have family members or do not like and why children and adults who have dry food for dinner. Pasta or cereal are much easier to boiling, the sausage or sausage added. Family members of such a delicious dinner eat. But nutritionists recommend that we find time to prepare a soup,

Why is it useful soup?
Nutrition experts say that ideally soup battling excess weight. The fewer calories, but porridge or better ganaqrebt Boxes of vermicelli. Scientists named the most useful for soups, vegetables, and a lot of chicken or beef, or eggs. Such juicy taste qualities dagikmaqopilebt and useful body nivtierebebit- tsilebita shegivsebt and fiber. The more vegetables in soup, the sasargebloa- specialists say.

Some vegetables contain fiber, which is not only the hunger here I am killing, but long daganaqrebt. In addition, these vegetables from the body bad cholesterol takes. A positive impact on weight. The ideal source of the rich: cabbage, carrots and beans.

It is believed that during the boiling vegetables lose their useful properties. So it goes into the mountains, the more soup vegetables, the more vitamin maintains. During the boiling soup from vegetables that have "evaporated", do not boil them for about 20 minutes or more. The vegetables, which quickly boiled dish of 5-10 minutes before they fetched. Such as sweet peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin, spinach and sorrel.

Vegetables rich in antioxidants, substances that protect the body's cells and tissue damaging free radicals. In this regard, the Champion of the tomatoes, it protects against cancer cells from multiplying in the likopini.  diet.
If the soup   So taste and excess gaagemrielebt kilogramebsa campaign.

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