The skin is considered as problematic, and every morning and evening intensive care procedures.

Dry skin care procedures at:

Clear skin by special means, such as a lotion, a cosmetic milk, oily creams, after washing with soap, toilet water through the skin Toning, protective cream and do the makeup.

Dry skin care procedures for the evening:
Up to get rid of cosmetic milk or specially designed facilities for this purpose, skin lotion treatment, soothing cream, skin and massage the skin cream to get rid of a few hours before bedtime.

Tips for dry skin care types:
12-dry-skin dryness of the skin to protect it for a sharp temperature changes. To do this, to go out to face Apply the cream, and then the powder miiprkviet.
Facial Skin Care Turn the kind of contrast shower, which provides nourishment to the skin.
Exclude the skin with soap and water to wash !!! Home of briar and Parsley while sunbathing in the desired washing.

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