25 years for the formation of the human body organs and systems are performed. The first signs of biological aging that time are severe, and 40-50 years after it signs more visible and becomes visible. Aging causes the exterior of the accompanying lifestyle risk factors that accelerate the aging of the body:

1. smoking (11-20 cigarettes a day);

2. Alcoholic beverages (100-200 ml per day);

3. Irregular meals (1-2 times a day);

4. Dry food (4-7 times a week);

5. The diet of fruit and vegetable deficit (less than 100 g per day);

6. obesity (I, II, III and IV quality);

7. excess sugar intake (25 grams per day and more);

8. fried, smoked products and frequent coffee intake (2-3 times more than a day);

9. constant medication intake (more than 2 years time);

10. toxic, carcinogenic substances in contact with (more than 1 year period);

11. The strong cold or hot environments to work (more than 2 years time);

12. The hard physical labor (more than 3 years time);

13. The lack of physical activity, sedentary job;

14. stressful situations (2-5 years);

15. infectious and chronic disease morbidity 1-2 times per year

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