Dandruff on his skin and fat in the dry and greasy. Dandruff oily skin develops increased tskhimianobisas; Dry dandruff takes place in the skin dryness and pruritic. Its one of the reasons causing fungus - Pityrosporum Ovale, which all his human skin, but the reproduction begins when favorable conditions for the face, for example, increased its skin tskhimianobisas. Winter dandruff more noticeable and disturbing happening.
Health and fitness 

1. Try a special dandruff shampoo that contains one of these substances:

• ketoconazole - an antifungal drug

• Salicylic acid - removes dead cells from the skin surface. Using this shampurnis necessary caution, because it is possible to strengthen and itching of the skin gamoashros.

• Selenium sulfide - to remove dead cells and fights dandruff-causing fungus to proliferate;

• zinc piritioni - antifungal means

Use medicated shampoo for a few weeks. If dandruff is not reduced to a dermatologist, because you need more serious treatment.

2. Dandruff means in the fight against the plant can be:

• Aloe - tsais to hair roots and its skin cut aloe leaf or juice. Aloe reduces dandruff and itching.

• Tea Tree Oil Shampoo - 5% tea tree oil shampoo effectively combat skin dryness, itching and dandruff. If you do not have this kind of shampoo, you can add tea tree oil to your favorite shampoo, but pay attention to the concentration.

Hair dandruff tips 
Health and fitness 

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