The mother of a child turned into a liability, mother son relationship, painful subject for her confession, and the other mothers of life, has become a heavy burden on the fate of immigrants dedebis.dedis when motherhood is so nice being able to change anything, as well as the child's mother, life is tough and ruthless gakhda.momravlda mothers painful conversations, indifferent shvilebiz burdened by the spirit, and it's not the children of mothers who barli disappointed, I rather think mothers do wrong is s gatsruebulebi vrchebit.dedobas money to see a maternity home purchase to see motherhood as a mother forgot the problems aghvikvavt.rogor a person who only mshobleli.chven obligations do we have the commitment of money and nothing else, out of money, money, life, money was everything, and deprived us of the most precious money, money make us forget who we are, distanced money   remote children, what do we know what is happening to the child yourself? Who's that over the years when we have vkhdevad to any step, we have heard goal is understanding the meaning of this life, how he viewed the future, who should be, what to do, how is formed. When melancholy heart mostsonia to share with you, you ask, only the spirit locks ourselves and the way out of the finds, the brutal life of the world stavazobs.sada you are at this time the mother? Of course not missing anything, a house, luxury and comfort, life as it takes the whole trouble is that this house, comfort and essential household items turned urtiertobebi.ratom surprised the children, the mother alienated perceive? avoids obligations? fifteen years, desperately needed a mother, and had to take a friend, a friend who can not be replaced, how needed caring heart and had no idea how they needed advice and adviser hqavdat.deda shviluri love of the flesh and blood are not limited to, the need for love, care, communication, conversation chirvaramis to share what money can not live vshetsvlis.dedis other purpose, the mother is everything, the grief of a mother, mother love, mother, tired eyes, and saw the children tkhutmeti years siqvaruli.dardi, sad tired eyes?

Daro Sivsivadze I am the Iberian
He did not look in his mother's tired eyes, once sleep piruli not usurvebia child to the mother, so the mother of the child, life continued, and relentlessly to urtirt attitude, only for her pain, this is the whole of satkivaria mother ashvilis sishore.dghe the incomparable was the mother , and now this is like the relationship of mothers, that Europe has set deashvils shoris.igive formed Georgian mentalitetshi.chven mother gave the best years, and what we got? tskhovrebiz fun of it, it is ruthless shvilebiz khvedri.ara we are the only victim dedpebi immigrants, especially children victims gakhdnen.mat to learn in life, as seen through the eyes of the mother, not their home countries because they do not love Georgia sheiqvares.samshoblo Roma, because we loved the immigrants, our mothers every moment of our memories of the homeland, our children can invent or what? Who Varese we?
 Daro Sivsivadze I am the Iberian
Leave the empty cartridge and a single,
I have already experienced the death of thirteen times,
Shot me, I left the country yesterday,
Now, the immoral natvreb misvtiri.
I left at the mercy, we cry from afar,
Or parent of pain, how long the hearing,
Undoubtedly, the enemy's hand shot me in the meantime,
Than tomorrow, the backs to me.
Shot me, what happened in the death of the rule,
Miborgavs spirit and gliding through the deep shadow,
I'm ... Who killed the Holy Messiah,
For me, however, is not a bit light twinkles.
The bullet, how many times damichres estate,
Today, all of them have the heart to the ground,
I am the prodigal son, I do not, do not look after myself,
Gavqviri own sins aloud.
Nor am worthy of tears, nor who gamatsilot,
I was stoned, even death, if aghmomkhdes groan,
Shot me, only that they may have missed the heart,
Stands back and does not stay away from home ... "
1 мар 02:21
Daro Sivsivadze I am the Iberian
I was all over the world have sakartvelo_shen
 Be entirely perfect world, the other,
I will not sell my homeland lives.
Can shevelevi my land siqvarulians,
The verse does not agree to the yet unborn,
The vastness of the earth has a heart,
And it is also my body of the heart is beating.
There are so many mountains around the Valley enjoy me,
Like dew-dew-coated flower gardens,
But I go to my love drunk,
He'd rather _chemi mountains and pastures.
Because only God is the Creator of everything,
I am not greedy, be your every other thing,
My thing is, the only Rai is the only one!
Jesus cast candles standing Svetitskholeli.
Today my paradise anointing oil discharge streams,
(Passage to the other side of the stream where gamriqos)
My homeland is not a single great treasures,
You have to be a perfect world devoted!
Nana Meparishvili-

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