• 11:45:00

In ancient times, God turns ten Adam made.| Heart Attack | Plowing the land, the other sheep in the flock, the third fish in nets shortly after they came to God the Father and stkhoves.- have everything, but we lack something. Movitsqinet.ghmertma gave the clay, and said - your discretion to mold a woman who as you like: curvy, skinny, tall, small ... I gave them my shtavberav.amis platter sugar and then he said: - here are ten of the piece. Each one of you take one and give it to his wife, he was so sweet itskhovros.qvela moiktsa.ghmertma eyebrows bound: - You are a liar, a platter of eleven piece of sugar in the bag. Who picked up the pieces? Dumda.ghmertma all they are punished - took away their wives, and then mixed among those who shekhvda.gagrdzeleba. Healthy Figures

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