Healthy Figures
Last week's blog post of oily / problem skin ideal talked about food, but today I will share some helpful advice from a doctor-dermatologist, dry and dehydrated skin care to help you.
 Healthy Figures
1. The diet should be balanced. Essential for a full protein breakfast (35% of the proteins in the normal breakfast time to get some), lunch and dinner as well as a snack or two. A well-chosen food and care products by combining easily be able to bring in the form of dry skin.

2. any of the product there is no outright ban, but is recommended for coffee and white sugar-containing products to a minimum. The point is that the sugar in the blood to get into the protein molecules attached and collagen synthesis and elastenis hindrance. Therefore, when we consume a large amount of candies and often, the skin becomes less elastic and wrinkles easily arise. For dry skin, the epidermis combination / oily and normal skin are more thin, so a small visual changes (dry skin, newly emerged small fold) in the skin are much easier to detect.
 Healthy Figures
3. The coffee has a distinct feature of the diuretic, so dry skin, coffee intake should be minimal. In addition, it is essential to maintain the water balance during the day 2 - 2.5 liters of water to drink.

4. Dry skin main helper proteins, A, C and E vitamins, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fat acids and B-group vitamins. Proteins as a source of chicken, turkey meat, oily fish is ideal, and the A, C and E vitamins as the source of this season carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes can be used. It is better to use olive oil in salads, vitamin E and omega-3 as he and Omega-6 fat-containing acids. It would be nuts and flax oil or flax seeds food ration if you add. B group vitamins the body's liver, egg yolk, herbs and dairy products provide.

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