Healthy Figures
Hot summer days, many people faced this problemebs rogor rid of him? -ismis Kitkhva.rom avoid the emergence of foot fungus and odor from your shoes, then carefully
Useful advice: Healthy Figures

1) First of all, we should get rid of the shoes have been well washed and alcoholic cotton suni.tu possible to process the inner surface, and if not, then clean the inside of the hydrogen peroxide or potassium permaganat the dampened sponge and vatsalot 12 hours until they are completely dry well. Healthy Figures
2) to empty into the shoes of vodka, wear clean cotton socks and walked up and down a bit, to thus reach a good vodka, then removed and gamovashrot well.
3) sports shoes who frequently uses the so-called "Botas", it is often lost due to baking soda, stopping 24 hours and then "gadmopertkhot" or pilasosit amoasuptaod chaitsvat.magram and so this method can not be used with black shoe. Healthy Figures
4) have been tested and very effective way that the inner surface of the shoe often Formidron- process the solution, which is something worth Whites pharmacy and thus avoid any inconvenience caused by the shoe.
5) In order to die in the shoes of the microbes and get rid of the bad smell from shoes, the shoe is very effective way to "freeze" the cold of the winter export out all night in the winter it is only a mandzilze.magram shasadzlebeli. (Refrigerator would not really recommend the shoe drive)
6) After the disappearance of odor in the shoes to protect the basic rules: Healthy Figures
• regularly gavaniavot gavasuptaod and shoes from the inside.
• choose cloth diapers natural (especially sports shoes) which often change.
• Stocking of natural tissue should be dressing.
• Closed shoes dry or newspaper with the help of special ionizer.

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