Healthy Figures 

Cardiovascular disease statistics hardly encouraging. Frequent ischemic heart disease, hypertension. At the same time, significantly reduced patients' age. Intensive care units in more and more often for younger patients with the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Frequent cardiac diseases without symptoms or mtsiresimptomuri ongoing - and after addressing a sick doctor when complications have been established throughout the taigulia, some are taken to the hospital in the ambulance. What if we have seen sick people? The question of Cardiology Nino Abashidze appealed to the cardiologist.
  Healthy Figures 
- What if someone is in front of us fainted?
- First, to explain what is fainting. Fainting or syncope is a brief loss of consciousness, which is due mainly to a cerebral insufficiency midenit. When oxygen and nutrients to the brain is removed, a person starts having dizziness, yawning, ringing in the ears ears, pitrdeba, arms utsivdeba, ebindeba mind, sometimes fainting away. At low blood pressure, breathing - sweeping. Syncope few tens of seconds to 4-5 minutes before continuing. Regained consciousness quickly and completely restored to the people who came.
There orthostatic syncope, which is a sharp man lying tsamodgomisas develops. At the cardiovascular system, the brain does not have time to switch to full supply.
It is also expected to go to the heart of different groups of drugs, such as beta-blockers, diuretics, nitrates, making simultaneous time. Now - about your question. Human gultsasuli not try to put forward. It is better to lie down comfortably, she was removed from dangerous objects. If the men for the fall and no nearby divania or bed, and can ask the chair behind him miaqrdnot. To be at the level of the body. Should ensure a good supply of oxygen (sometimes on this too can lead the people in the situation) - shevukhsnat collar, belt. May also, on the face of cold water or vapkurot nose nostrils with cotton wool soaked in liquid ammonia bring.

- What is the collapse and how to help people at this time?
- Collapse severe, life-threatening situation. It may cause:
The change of status;
Intense pain and stress;
Prolonged diarrhea (large amount of fluid loss);
Heavy bleeding;
Vascular center of the toxin exposure (acute infectious diseases and poisoning).
Collapse features include:
Sharp fall in blood pressure;
Bundled up into threadlike pulse;
Cold sweat;
Confusion or loss.

Collapse immediately be invoked by the doctor
. The patient is placed in the lower limbs, and cried out. May bring to pass the nose nishaduris alcoholic cotton.

- Why use gultsasulis conscious cultivation liquid ammonia?
- Liquid ammonia or ammonia solution nasopharynx irritates the nerve endings, leading to excitation of the respiratory center, and strengthen the body by inhalation of more oxygen to be followed.

- One of the most severe disease, angina, myocardial infarction, which may lead to. What shall we do when we suspect infarction?
- A lot of complaining of chest pains. It may be as organic heart disease severity, as well as a functional disorder symptoms. Heart pain is of two types: angina and Cardialgia. Menopausal women often complain Cardialgia period. It opens Validol sublingvuri reception (language

Under the agreement), which is one of the criteria differential Cardialgia angina or angina opens nitroglycerine, Cardialgia - Validol.
Angina, ischemic heart disease or heart blood vessels to feed the damage of expression, therefore, patients should consult a doctor, in order to differentiate and adequate pain treatment.

If the pain originated in a horizontal position, it is necessary to sit out of bed and lowering the legs. If you have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease, people always have to have a nitroglycerin tablet or inhaled form, and if necessary use.
Myocardial attack or heart muscle necrosis to life-threatening disease. The acute phase of the patient should be placed in a specialized clinic. Angina or myocardial infarction during the first aid as quickly as possible to lift the pain. Prolonged angina attack time is necessary to call an ambulance.
- Hypertensive crisis symptoms:
High blood pressure;
General state of deterioration;
Nausea, vomiting;
Agitation or sleep mivardna;
Impaired vision.

- At least tie the pressure - hypotonic crisis. Maybe we'll say a few words?
- Practically healthy people due to the sharp fall in blood pressure can be a powerful emotion. Hypotonic crisis emerges dull headache, and sometimes it will be attached to nausea, vomiting. Blood pressure is less than 90/60 mmHg's. At this time, reassuring people and to give a cool black tea or coffee - caffeine raise blood pressure.

- How to be an increase in the heart rate at the time?
- Paroxysmal tachycardia - a heart with a sharp increase in the frequency at which the pulse frequency of 130-150 per minute can be reached. At the heart rhythm may be equal. Increased heart rate attached to the weakness, shortness of breath, fear. Many complain of dizziness, vomiting, visual disturbances. At this time the ambulance was called.

- What to do in case of arrythmias?

- Arrythmias different character and type. Its different reason. Palpitations case, first of all, is to determine the cause and proper treatment to be. As to the first aid, the patient should be given a soothing - or 30-50 drops Korvalol valokordini - and consult your doctor as soon as possible.

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