Brains Tips | Every doctor has a special meaning and a view of health and medicine in general. Japanese doctor vongia exception that health maintenance of a peculiar, extraordinary advice stands. His address to the doctor-dieticians International Symposium a frenzy. Vong said, if we look at everything with humor and ease, it comes well tsagviva.
  | Healthy Figures | Brains Tips
In this interview, the doctor could call traditional, but can not deny that it is quite interesting.

- Doctor, Brains Tips said that the work to improve cardiovascular exercise prolongs life. this is true?

- Your heart is designed to gitsemdes. Like any organ, it is decaying over time. Forcing the heart, gitsemdes faster, does not mean that it is longer serve you. When adding the driving speed, it is nonsense to think that this will increase the length of his service. Do you want a long life? Sleep.

- They also say that if you want, we reinforced the health and prevent disease, protect, less alcohol to get ...

- Wine made of fruit, beer - malt, hops and yeast it. Can you imagine how many useful substances can move side by side, if you are refusing to accept it?

How to calculate the ratio of fat and muscle in the body? Here, for example, I have a little extra fat and nervous ...

- You have the body and the fat ratio of 1: 1, to have two bodies, the ratio would be 2: 1, I think so.

- Name a regular physical exercise advantage. Regular exercise is beneficial, if they did not agree?

- My philosophy is simple. When nothing hurts after training - this is a good thing.

- What about fried food, it is really so bad?

- What you did not hear me? What do they do with oil? How can the products be harmful.

- Would you still agree that chocolate - this is pure poison?

- Cocoa beans - is a chocolate tree seeds. I'm sure it is a powerful resource for good mood ...

- I am fond of swimming. Many experts believe that it is very useful for the organism. You agree with this?

- And what about the whale? They are constantly flying, but where is the result?

- When I try to maintain the physical shape, I am doing my own health. And which you are engaged in sports?

- Keep you in shape? So the form of a circle. In this regard, I have no doubt in my shape.

- And finally, could you give some valuable advice to all those who follow a healthy lifestyle.

- Life does not have to be a boring trip to the grave in order to keep the body beautiful and healthy life in the last minute. I see it this way: in one hand - glass of Chardonnay, the second -shokoladi, organism grew old, but I'm excited and mivkrivar say: This is an adventure!

A fact which nutritionist, Dr. Wong shared.Brains Tips
The Japanese use very little fat and less prone to heart.

 The Mexicans eat a lot of fat and less prone to heart attacks than the British

  chinebeli drink very little red wine and less prone to have heart attacks than the British

 The Italians drink a lot of red wine and less prone to heart attacks than the British.

 The Germans drink a lot of wine, they eat a lot of fatty foods and sausage, but rarely more prone to heart attacks than the British.

Some people are passionate about their health mdgomareoa the care that they forget to live. However, life mercilessly runs ... do not be extreme - sometimes feel like the right to give pleasure, but the constant care of the health of your life into a boring existence, - that is to say to the doctor wanted to Wong this humorous interview.

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