In women, hair loss - a fairly rare event, than in men. But the factors that may precipitate hair loss in women is much more powerful than the men and women.
30 years of age, the most common cause of hair loss in the body's hormonal transformation. It can be: Puberty and sexual differentiation of 18-23 years of age.
As well as pregnancy and pregnancy period (however, often during pregnancy hair becomes stronger and more frequent).
At this age, hair loss is a common cause of stressful situations and related distinct nervousness, chronic fatigue, depression.
All this, the most typical of women who are actively creating a career, as well as young mothers.
Another cause of hair loss at a young age, is the beauty and attractiveness of the search conducted experiments: hair coloring chemical, complex hairstyle, misuse layer, a wrong chemical hair curling, etc.
His skin affect both too low and too high temperature, sunlight exposure to ultraviolet rays, acid rain, polluted environment.
Alopecia can cause incorrect or recklessly selected diets that "deprive" the body of potassium and vitamins (iron, zinc, selenium, etc.), without them even thick and healthy hair is impossible to keep.
Ratio should be complete and balanced. As far as possible to avoid fatty and spicy foods, carbonated beverages, coffee, tea, sugar.
These causes rectify the situation and restore lost hair is relatively easy, but there are more serious cases, which require professional assistance.
These include: the use of antibiotics, excessive dosage of medication, anti-cancer drugs, antidepressants, neuroleptics intake, hormonal contraception for a long time consumption, etc.
If it is suspected that hair loss is caused by any of these reasons, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Treatment may need to be adjusted.
If all these factors are excluded, but the hair continues to fall out, is likely to cause skin infections, or genetic diseases.
Due to these reasons, women aged 20-30 years develop androgenetic alopecia (alopecia, which is caused by the levels of male sex hormones in the hair follicle cells with increased sensitivity).