Slow the growth of hair is one of the main reasons is that the body does not have the capacity to supply nutrients to the scalp, which is essential for normal growth of hair.

Hair quickly increase methods) Healthy Figures healthy life 
In this case, the hair follicles become passive, but as soon as it is supplied with the necessary nutrients, new hair starts to grow rapidly.

Normal healthy hair growth is necessary for such minerals, such as calcium, iron, chromium, copper, iodine, potassium, magnesium, manganese, flint, sulfur, zinc.

Besides poor hair growth can be associated with poor care, hair care and weakened blood flow to the wrong selection.

Any lack of nourishing substances, can make hair growth, weaken and lead to a loss.

Vitamins and amino acids in the body must take the necessary points. The most common amino acid, which is found in hair is cystine structures.

Unfortunately, today's hectic pace of life if conditions do not always have the time because of lack of proper care of the hair.

Hair cells to reproduce the stress plays a significant role as well. The more often people experiencing stress, the slower growing her hair.

Hair growth may be affected by subcutaneous fat, dirt and bacteria, which fits into the hair roots, prevents hair "breathe" and therefore, slow its growth.

In our century, while aggressively developing nanotechnologies, there are hair recovery, strengthening and increasing rapidly in a number of methods. Ranging from folk remedies and ending with ultra-modern, expensive methods.

Of course it is possible to artificial hair extensions, but for those who prefer their hair and give her the proper care.

Where all the modern, popular, effective methods and means, which stimulates hair growth and health.

So the methods of increasing the hair quickly:

≡ needed polivitaminuri recreational course periodically (not to be confused with hair vitamins needed for the A, B, C, E (which is also very useful to improve the condition of the hair)). It is better to choose a high-quality and valuable vitamins, 

Put a little in advance of the hair roots and massage thoroughly massage into the mass of his skin for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse well shempunis conventional means.

≡ reallocate 2 cups warm water with 1-2 tablespoons of yeast and add 1-2 tablespoon of sugar. When yeast apuvdeba (30-40 minutes), the weight did you take hair mask, hat and closed above moikhviet towel. Leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water, then wash with shampoo.

Mask promotes healthy hair, it strengthens and increases rapidly.

Such a mask can be no more than once every two weeks. The main thing is not to exceed the number of yeast to make sure it is completely dissolved in the water.

≡ Buy nettle estrakti (any drugstore) Boil as indicated on the label and rinse your hair every day for two weeks.

Nettle not only promotes hair growth, but also nourish and revitalize their skin, and the hair is better to manage.

≡ each in pre-shampoo, hair root through massage or massage castor oil birkavas (can be purchased at pharmacies). Preferably such a massage last 20-30 minutes.

It is recommended 2-3 times a week for a month. Castor, as well as to stimulate hair growth and density birkavas oil well.

A increase methods Healthy Figures 
≡ a very good outcome for the following means:

A) Shampoo "bio-cream" (based on whey)

B) chinchrisa and burdock tincture hair overview

C) birkavas oil (available in pharmacies) reactivate hair root.

≡ yeast-containing shampoo (Burdock extract basis).

Such a shampoo stimulates hair growth and stop hair loss quickly.

≡ effective hair mask for the next:


1/2 cup buttermilk; 1 tablespoon yeast; 1 tablespoon honey;

Mix all ingredients well and put in a warm place for 20 minutes (until moiqenebs foam). Apply to hair and his skin, leave for 40 minutes, then rinse shampoo.

Use: 10 days - on a daily basis, 1 month - twice a week, 1 month - once a week, 1 month - once every two weeks.

≡ very effective in the next mask: small and large (about the size of a coffee cup) Pour a portion of shampoo, add 20-30 grams of cognac and one egg yolk.

It's all well and stir until thickening of the resulting mass Apply to damp (unwashed) hair. Leave for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly (without shampoo).

This mask is injected once every two weeks. It accelerates hair growth, healthy and significantly expand it.

Hair growth is rapidly effective metodebi≡ very well for the hair color of the light beers mask. Its use is simple: after washing her, just take a cup of warm beer and light-colored hair carefully Dampen its means.

I did not wash it. Beer contains yeast and B vitamins, so it is well to manage hair soaked with beer, coagulate and grow quickly.

Mask can do the same dark color unfiltered beer. The result is also evident

≡ a very old and very effective method: Take two teaspoon of dry mustard and mix two tablespoons of yogurt. Stir well with a homogeneous, arazhnismagvari mass is obtained.

Wet hair, massage into a hard mass of hair roots and evenly throughout the entire length of the hair. Leave on for 1-2 hours (or endure).

When you feel a slight burn and "pull", rinse hair with warm water (hot water is not recommended).

≡ take castor oil, aloe juice (2-3 fresh squeezed leaf), honey (1-2 tablespoons), brandy (1-2 tablespoons) and egg yolk. It's all very well to mix until a homogeneous mass.

The resulting mass Apply to dry hair, closed with a polyethylene cap (or a park, you do not have a hat), then a towel and leave for 1,5-2 hours. At the time, thoroughly wash the head with shampoo.

≡ simple, but very useful mask that suits all types of hair: This is a fresh onion juice with pulp.

Mask making of the simplest, Grate onion as possible, also daablenderet (possible fresh juice). Such a mask from the effect of better than initially expected. Hair is healthier, and fastened to grow rapidly.
 increase methods Healthy Figures 
Put the mask no more than once a week. Note extraordinary smell, which is followed by a mask.

≡ Another effective mask, which stimulates hair growth quickly - 1 tablespoon onion juice, add 2 tablespoons of vodka and 2- 3 tablespoons oil birkavas (can be bought in pharmacies).

Apply the mixture to hair roots, and leave himself sheikhviet towel 1 hour of the time.

Repeat procedure 2 times a week. The result is obvious.

≡ effective and have been tested many times "bread mask". His preparation is very simple:

Black corn kernels for pour warm water, so that consistency closer porridge. Then add one tablespoon of honey, egg yolk and mix it all well.

The resulting mass Apply to damp hair and top Wrap a towel. Leave for 30-40 minutes and rinse thoroughly shampooed (Note that at the time of rinsing causes the uncomfortable feeling of bread).

Such a mask is very useful for the recovery of hair and contributes to its rapid growth, because it is virtually the B vitamins in pure form.

≡ rapid growth of hair, as well as its soft and sheen for. Perfect for the following method: Take one egg, a tablespoon of olive oil 3-4, 1-2 teaspoon of castor oil (so-called "kastorka") and carefully stir up akapeba.

Massage into the mass of his skin and hair roots. Subsequently, will be closed in a top hat, or a towel. Leave for 20 minutes.

Such a mask is recommended for no more than 1-2 times a week.

≡ hair strengthening and growth of the fast one, plain and simple recipe: Mix one cup of vegetable oil is usually a pack of chamomile pharmacy. Set in the dark for 6-7 days. Then stir well and the resulting mass Apply to hair roots.

On top of a closed plastic bag and a hat or sheikhviet warm towel. Keep the mask for an hour, then rinse thoroughly.

Although this method is very atskhimianebs hairs, but the end justifies the means. The procedure must be carried out here every other day for a month.

≡ Another effective method of hair growth and fast recovery:

Open the hot water to two tablespoons mustard powder, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of sugar and one egg yolk. All diligently stir until a homogeneous mass.

The resulting mass Apply to hair roots. Hat or bag and wrapped himself polietinelis Wrap a towel from the top. Keep the mask on 20-40 minutes (until you feel his skin burn).

Then rinse hair with warm water and shampoo. The procedure is recommended 2 times a month.

Faster growth of hair growth and hair health popular metodebi≡ another recipe: Take one-third of the turnip, castor oil and apricot. Mix well, massage into hair roots and leave for 20 minutes.

After the procedure to wash hair well. Soon you will notice that with the growth of hair quickly became soft and gentle.

≡ Another effective method of hair quickly and increase the recovery of:

Take one tablespoon of gelatin (can be bought in supermarkets in the pastry section), 1 teaspoon of shampoo (which shampunsa you use), and well-open 3 tablespoons warm water (up to a homogeneous mass).

The resulting mass Apply to hair, massage into hair root and wrapped himself in a polyethylene bag. Keep the mask for 30 minutes.

This time the hair rinse thoroughly. It is recommended to repeat the procedure once a week. The result is obvious. Hair becomes longer and grow faster.

≡ another method to maintain healthy hair and helps to grow rapidly: one tablespoon of castor oil ordinary warm water bath, add a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of yogurt Surf. Stir well, and the mask is ready.

The mass of a toothbrush rub hair root (Place the hair, the hair apparent soles). Then on top of a warm towel and leave for 30-40 minutes moikh.

Following this time, carefully wash your hair. This procedure will help your hair healthier, assigning volume and grow faster.

≡ excellent mask, to maintain healthy hair, gives volume and contributes to its fast growth. Made from the following extract: May burdock root tincture mix with each other, turnip oil and lecithin (which can be purchased at pharmacies).

Apply the mixture to the hair roots, Wrap a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes.

This time the hair rinse. The mask is a pleasant feature of the rinse is done very easily and does not need much effort.

≡ very effective and perfectly grow hair mix of the following: A and E vitamins oily solution, B6 and B12 vitamins injection, turnips, apricot oil, castor oil, jojoba, and coconut oils and sea-buckthorn Dimexide (available at pharmacies).

All these ingredients, one table spoon, mix with each other and the resulting solution Apply to clean, dry hair for 1-2 hours. twice a week.

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