Try lemon juice

Lemon sour It is more useful to think of it.
The lemon juice contains vitamin C, and extremely helpful.
This will help maintain and clean the inside of the body.
Helps the digestive process Extraction of toxins as well.
Relieve Constipation In addition, drinking lemonade also.
How to Face Glowing skin, reduce acne
Reduce the appearance of dark spots and reduces collection sterol in the blood.
Making skin beautiful and healthy The interior benefits
Ranging from the lime nature created.

Lemonade recipe to make your skin glow.

Ingredients 1 lemon
                     2 cups water
How to make lemon juice from one lemon mixed with 2 cups of water to drink throughout the day. You should drink well for at least two weeks.

Lemonade drink recipe is healthy.

Ingredients 1 lemon
                     2 tablespoons honey
                     2 cups water
                     ½ tsp salt
How to make lemon juice mixed with water, salt, honey and stir well to drink right away in order to get the maximum value of vitamin C.

Another method for skin whitening with Garnier Light cream SPF17 / PA ++ Facial Cream To Allah and radiant with a mixture of pure lemon extract. Skin gently with Snow White Pine innovations from the open source nature. That provide superior performance to 10 times the vitamin C reduces the formation of dark spots at the origin.
The trick, face glowing with benefits.

I know that there is a simple and economical. To make your skin
Clear up Free from blemishes and dark spots, with recipes.
The beauty of nature Using lime as the main ingredient
The lemon is a fruit with many kinds of organic acids.
Citric acid, malic acid, vitamin C or lemon handy.
Helps restore the skin surface The skin and protect
Skin infections

4 Easy Ways Skin Care By using a mixture of lemon juice can.
Make your own facial skin.
• Manage your acne with lemon The flour is mixed with chalk
  Apply lemon juice on the acne pimples before going to bed every night.
  Gradually collapse and eventually disappear.

• eliminate pimples by mixing lemon juice 1/4 cup egg whites with 2 eggs in a bowl, lightly apply the vicinity of the pimple. Bring tissues pasted onto the skin.
  Leave it until the paper begins to harden Then gently peel off Then rinse with cold water. This is one way to tighten pores.
• Reduce the appearance of dark spots and freckles, how to do it. The lemon juice and orange juice, yogurt, mixed in equal proportions. Then apply on the face
  Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with clean water, orange juice high in vitamin C and also contain enzymes that nourish the skin silky smooth and refreshing to the skin.
• Mask natural face skin lemon juice 1 teaspoon honey and 2 tablespoons of the mixture, stir well worn. To face Leave about

  15-20 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Only once a week The face is smooth and clear up.
Change skin to skin health and a better way.

Healthy Figures

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