New Year holiday approached the door, and as a rule, most of the drinking now eaten and of course, most of the drinking now glides - all in the family, putting a corporate meeting. Our organism is facing a severe test. How can we help him to easily shift alcoholic attack.?
Fitness, diets tips, Weight Loss
What shall we eat ( drink) before making alcohol?
It sheetseba bakhusis ease, this magical product - Asparagus help. According to studies published in the scientific journal of the asparagus can help to avoid bakhusis. The secret to enhanced activation of enzymes in the liver, alcohol is processed. As a result, alcohol quickly neutralized in the body.
Finally, before the New Year to eat chicken, chicken broth or receive. Chicken contains a large number of cysteine amino acids. This amino acid is included in the composition of glutathione. This ingredient protects liver cells from damage by free radicals and reduces the toxic effects of alcohol.
How to deal with bakhusis?
Do not be surprised, your main savior again - plain water! Many are learning, making a large amount of alcohol the next morning with a desire for Advanced water. Alcohol affects antidiuretikuli block hormone secretion, which is within normal limits holding back water in the body. This hormone decreases, and therefore lose urine in large amounts of water - dehydration develops.
Therefore it is necessary to drink a large amount of plain water (2 or 3 liters), it must repay its water supplies.
Also new on the next morning, did you make a lot of drinking, it's good to eat tomatoes. It contains a large number of salitsinis acid - This is one component of aspirin, which reduces their pain, which is not uncommon bakhusis time Fitness, diets tips, Weight Loss.
The third method khalkhuria - This mariltsqalia!
After drinking people lose electrolytes - potassium, magnesium, chloride, etc. Arises from electrolyte imbalances, which should remove. Suitable for brine. However, before the end of this hope not to drink alcohol, too much salt brine, the excess amount is not very helpful.
Fitness, diets tips, Weight Loss