Grapefruit Diet Orange-Fruit

There are a variety of grapefruit diet, but all of them have one common rule - half a grapefruit before each meal you need to eat. Down to the diet at the time of the pop star Madonna helped with weight loss. The diet lasts for 7 days and is strictly limited to 7 hours after a meal. Should also note that this is quite a low-calorie diet (700 kcal) and is not recommended for a longer period of protection.
These diets should give up salt and other sakmazeb on. Low-fat meat is allowed, can only Use canned fish in its own juice.
2 cup buttermilk may be acute hunger is to drink, but not before bedtime. Apple or orange can eat once a day and 1 C / C in green tea with honey.
This diet for a week and 4-5 kg moklebaa available.

Diet in just 2 days: 

1 Day:
Breakfast: grapefruit juice (unsweetened) or 1 grapefruit, 2 slices of low-fat ham 25 grams, coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: 1 grapefruit, 250 grams of vegetable salad (any vegetables, except potatoes and corn) spiced with lemon and herbs, coffee or tea.
Dinner: 150 grams of cooked (or grilled), low-fat meat, 200 grams of green salad with lemon juice, tea with honey.

2 days:
Breakfast: grapefruit juice (unsweetened) or 1 grapefruit, 2 pieces of cooked eggs, coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: 1 grapefruit, 50 grams of fat or low-fat cottage cheese 20-30%.
Dinner: 200 grams of fish (cooked or prepared on the grill), a large portion of vegetable salad (cucumbers, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, peppers, etc.), dressed with 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 C / g olive oil, 20 g. black bread.

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