Kefir is a mixture rich in probiotics , Healthy Figures Diet Plan
  which is known as a traditional medicine because it makes the work of the intestinal tract, detoxify and lowers blood cholesterol. Healthy Figures Weight loss

January is the time when the body table and exaggeration. Festive meals we overload the liver and stomach, so it is necessary to purify the body. For this purpose, it is recommended bitter vegetables, compotes, natural yogurt and kefir certainly, that is an excellent food for diet during January day.

Kefir is a drink that is obtained by fermentation of milk and kefir granules, which are composed of live cultures and probiotic yeast. A mixture of fermented milk and the aforementioned fungi provides a beverage that contains nutrients, polysaccharides, Healthy Figures Diet Plan
 proteins and lipids. Kefir has a long tradition, especially in use in East Asian countries. Sour taste, has a mild taste of yeast and many positive characteristics and effects on health. The name of this product comes from the Armenian the body and helps with weight loss

Besides probiotics suitable for the stomach (at least 40 different), kefir contains vitamins, particularly from the group B, minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus) and proteins. Kefir is not caloric and does not contain lactose, so that it can consume people who are intolerant to lactose. When it comes to vitamins B, Weight Loss Tips For Women the most common is the B9 (folic acid), which is a necessary supplement, not only during pregnancy, because it prevents birth defects, but also in menopause. Then it is quite useful for the prevention of osteoporosis and sudden emotional changes typical of the apex. Also, a combination of B vitamins with magnesium and calcium makes kefir excellent ally of the nervous system that can successfully fight off false hunger and need for food outside of meal, which intensifies during the winter.

Why drink kefir every day?

- Kefir stimulates digestion and prevents constipation; 
- Eliminating toxins, improves the immune system and metabolic functions;
- Studies show that it is very effective in reducing cholesterol; 
- Can also be used to treat bronchitis, inflammation of the liver, stomach problems, kidney, bladder.
On this basis, it is concluded that kefir is a great way to win abdominal bloating and lymphatic stagnation.
Numerous positive properties of kefir and a beneficial effect on health make this drink irreplaceable food product for winter breakfast.

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