It's Summertime and mostly all we try to welcome slim and that we swimsuit better standing. Some are worth the train during the winter, some of it, however, waiting for better weather, holding a child and modify the diet to get ready went to the beach. Healthy Figures Diet Plan

However, no matter how fit and well looked one should pay attention to the choice of food in the summer. Some of them cause abdominal bloating, fatigue and water retention. The following is an overview of foods and drinks with such properties. Healthy Figures Weight loss


Usually, the mass, industrially processed or sugary foods are considered unsuitable for the stomach and causes digestive problems. However, it should be noted that flatulence and bloating in the stomach can cause certain vegetables. Healthy Figures Diet Plan

Undoubted enemies flat stomach are: cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, who, otherwise, rich nutrition, as well as anti-tumor substances, or cause bloating of the stomach. It is recommended to consume them in winter. This family of cruciferous plants belong and radishes and arugula, which have a similar effect as the above. It should also be noted that not everyone reacts the same organism on this vegetables, so that the above reactions may be absent in some people. Healthy Figures Weight loss

Foods rich in sodium:

Sodium largely causes water retention, bloating, and in addition to these physical imperfections promotes hypertension. Sodium is found in frozen products. Healthy Diet Plan .It is advisable to carefully read the labels on these products and make sure that no salt or maintained in very small quantities. It is suggested that healthy people consume no more than 6 grams of salt per day, and those who suffer from hypertension should be even less.


It is necessary to mention the drinks because especially during the summer period increased consumed. Therefore, the risk is greater, because Olivetti thirst do not think too much about the other effects and reactions of the body to drink. It should be noted that alcohoWeight Loss Tips For Women In principle, the lowest-calorie drinks champagne and beer, which are another contraindication - containing gas, which is certainly the enemy of good looks in Kappa costume. One should not underestimate the soft drinks with high sugar content, which also cause bloating.
l, even though the heat is very comfortable with, contain quite calories.
How to behave?

Most importantly, do not overdo it, avoid drinks with a high percentage of alcohol, such as vodka, gin, tequila, and to choose, however, Weight Loss Tips For Women red and white wine. It is suggested that reduced intake of carbonated and sweet drinks and non-carbonated flavored preference for water, natural water and cold teas.

Healthy Figures

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