Fitness and health Natural 

If beer is not harmful to the health of the male?
Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage. A lot of people who love beer and consumed each day. The beer is less dangerous to health, as it is a small amount of alcohol, and sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates, minerals and other substances. However, the benefits of beer, and its safety is quite a controversial issue, especially in men's health.

Beer is a Thousand years. If we trust the historians, it was the women he trained. Later, when the beer production has become more massive, men have been involved in this process. After that, the brewery became a masculine activity. Natural beer prepared granular raw materials: malt, barley, rye, wheat, hops and in some cases - maize and rice Fitness and health Natural  .

What is contained in beer:
Ethyl alcohol;
Yeast, which contains B vitamins and PP, which enhance energy processes and improve the work of the heart; Calcium and magnesium, which prevents the formation of kidney stones and gall bladder;
Potassium, which normally brings water and salt balance;
Sakhameblisebri units aumjobesebsn snacks disposal process;
Antikosidantebi, which represent a good prevention of serious diseases;
Essential oils and proteins, which have a bactericidal action;
Organic acids (nicotine, folic, pantetonis et al.), Which improve blood composition, metabolism, have a diuretic effect.  Fitness and health Natural
 This list is quite impressive to Beer "useful" to assign the title and quietly drink. But  this is just one side of the medal.

Disadvantages, how the beer man's body:

  1. Currently, most doctors believe that beer has a negative impact on men's health, including reproductive function. The same applies to soft beer.
  2. Beer contains large amounts pitohormonebs are similar to feminine hormones, especially in dark colors sorteb.
  3. Beer and a large number of frequent use reduces the masculine hormone - testosterone production, which seriously damages the male potency and quality of sperm. According to the studies, irreparable beer lovers a chance to become the father is reduced by 30%.
  4. Endocrine system changes along with the men who drink beer often, the exterior of the direction of change is not so good: pistrogenebis thanks to the fat in the hips, thighs, abdomen and chest Trap, leaving a masculine physique resembles a feminine figure. In addition, beer increases the appetite, so the lovers encounter weight problems, cardiovascular work difficult, start with varicose veins, hypertension and impotence may have.
  5. Carbohydrate beer and alcohol in combination with a high content of beer has a negative impact on the function of the pancreas. Regular use can develop type II diabetes, pancreatitis and others.
  6. In addition, beer contains large amounts of toxic substances formed in the fermentation process and the forces which act like a drug addiction. This forces the body influenced and quite often cause addiction - "beer alcoholism".

Healthy Figures

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