
Individual diet is the best choice for permanent and healthy weight loss. Such a diet can be prescribed only an expert in the field of nutrition - nutritionist. A healthy diet is the key, and the diet is an asset. Diet, the body gets everything it needs for proper mental and physical development, or lack of intake of nutrients leads to various kinds of disorders and diseases. Problems can also occur if they are kept in an inadequate manner or food enters the body in large quantities. Healthy Figures Diet Plan

The body needs to consume as much food as we consume daily. On the energy consumption of a man influenced by several factors: gender, age, time and conditions under which the work is performed, the type and current health status. Therefore, the diet can not be rewritten in general. Healthy Diet Plan

Personal diet is always a better choice than a generalized diet. Personal diet (individual diet) was not written by heart, nutritionists must thoroughly assess the overall health status of the patient, consider which foods he / she likes and dislikes and what not to eat from it and how to prepare meals. Weight Loss Tips For Women

Such, personal, diet works best and what is best influence the patient to change his wicked habits. The diet of newspapers, on the other hand - is used to sell newspapers. Healthy figures weight loss

Input and energy consumption 

To meet the energy consumption is not only important to be the amount of food entering, but how will it be distributed and if the meal. Every good diet should have 5 meals: Breakfast should be until 8 pm, brunch 11 am, lunch around 15 pm, Healthy Diet Plan another snack around 17 am, and dinner no later than 21 h. Snack should be a fruit or a dairy product. Diet with such rates which are at a distance of three to four hours, oraganizmu provides everything necessary for normal functioning, with healthy weight loss, if it is prescribed for a person who wants to lose weight. Diet for patients has extra weight, because nutritionist must take the disease as a variable that has its rules and conditions. Healthy figures weight loss

Of course, we are all individual and some foods suit us more than others. To properly prescribed individual diet dietitian-nutritionist must have accurate insight into all parameters of the person: weight, height, body mass index, family and personal medical history, laboratory findings, whether the patient is dealing with recreation and where and how the food. Healthy figures weight loss

Every weight loss in adults greater 5-8 kg per month is harmful. Children in the growth and development must not accidentally lose weight over 3-5 kg per month, or can lead to slow growth and problems in the musculoskeletal internal organs. Unfortunately, a lot of young people who do not understand the deleterious effects of general popular diets from magazines and happy to practice them without thinking about health. Healthy Figures Diet Plan

All you need to know about diet however find in the category: DIET

Inform yourself and decide 

If you want to lose weight, I suggest that you are well informed about it, because the more you know about the problem, you are closer to solving the problem. On the site there are plenty of authors of articles about healthy eating, diet, weight loss, disease and healthy habits. Someone wise said: A man can live and learn. This applies to everyone, no exceptions. Healthy Diet Plan

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