Almost all modern cosmetic products containing olive oil, but it is rarely used in its pure form, however, folk recipes and actively offer it also guarantees the results.

Olive oil around the eyes showed good results in the fight against wrinkles. Do not need a big effort, it takes a while olive oil Compress terry, and then around the eyes injected with a light massage.

Natural mask wrinkles around the eyes

Mix together the olive oil, and 50 milligrams of vitamin E and 10 milligrams of oil every evening finger pads shock motion light massage around the eyes.

Then remove the excess mass of paper napkins. Such a mask can use on a daily basis, preferably at bedtime.

Prevent wrinkles around the eyes with olive oil and lemon juice mask. A little olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice mix, apply around the eyes, and after 10 minutes of extra weight of a paper napkin, put away.

Compress Massage with olive oil prevents premature wrinkles.

Compresses the lid and around the eyes Parsley massage can get the infusion of ice bricks. However, massage careful - the skin around the eyes is very soft.

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