4 simple ways to maintain a healthy degree of hair in winter

When you step out of the cold, always geparot hat, even if you think you look better without it. Hat protects the hair roots and the skull from hypothermia. And if your turban does not suit your prichoskas, then adjust the other styles.

2. Do not leave out immediately prichoskis hair done.

Put your hair for at least half an hour before you leave home, you can remove excess water, as it will negatively affect you in a negative temperature.

3. Leave on the hair mask or a mask longer than usual.

Use a balm for washing hair is always in order to improve hair quality and increase the validity of his time.

4. Do not forget about the oil.

Your hair is experiencing a negative impact not only on the outside, but also at home. The reason for all this is the heating. Dry air can gamoashros your hair, so I always use oil. Apply immediately prior to drying the hair, wet hair.

Mix a little bit of oil and your favorite shampoo and then massage each other's hair in the cocktail. After this procedure will become much hair soft and shiny.

Healthy Figures

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